Applied Natural Gas Fuels is building a second 86,000-gallon-per-day natural gas liquefaction line at Topock, Ariz. near Needles, Calif. The increased supply is for both trucks and the fast-emerging high horsepower markets, including drill rig engines.
“It’s being built and it’s going to be up and running July 1, 2014,” says ANGF business development and strategic relations VP Shaunt Hartounian. The new, mixed-refrigerant train – Hartounian calls it Topock II – will be located adjacent to the firm’s existing 86,000-gallon LNG plant and will be operated by the same personnel.
The Topock facility is within a mile of the BNSF railroad, facilitating long-distance shipment of LNG.
Eyeing the East Coast Too
ANGF, still known to some as ALT, for Applied LNG Technologies, is the second largest producer and distributor of LNG in the U.S. In addition to its wholesale business, supporting road vehicles and customers including asphalt pavers and greenhouses, it operates public access LNG and LCNG fueling stations in Barstow and Ontario, Calif., along the I-15 corridor.
“Analysts believe that the LNG supply available for domestic consumption will continue to trail demand for the foreseeable future,” ANGF says, vowing to “address this critical problem by establishing a self-sustaining platform with redundant production, storage and distribution capabilities.” Beyond Topock II, the firm is eyeing production locations in the eastern U.S.